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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology


Published March 2023



Павлодарский педагогический университет

Stress resistance is one of the necessary skills for a teacher, and this skill should be formed at the stage of becoming a future specialist, and coping strategies play a big role in this. The coping strategies used by students are determined by their reactions to stressful situations and they are individual for each one: someone seeks to immediately solve the problem, someone seeks support from their environment, some try to avoid a stressful situation. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between students' resistance to stress and their coping strategies. The theoretical basis of the study is a review of the literature on the topic of coping and stress resistance, here we consider the study by various researchers of the effects of stress on the human body, which subsequently led to the creation of the concept of "coping". The empirical side of the study is represented by the following methods: “Indicator of coping strategies” by D. Amirkhan, adapted by V.M. Yaltonsky, "Test questionnaire for diagnosing the likelihood of developing stress" in the adaptation of T.A. Nemchina, “Proactive Coping Behavior Questionnaire” (Aspinwall L.G., Greenglass E., Schwarzer R., Taubert S.; adaptation by E. Starchenkov). The study sample consisted of forty 4th year students of Pavlodar Pedagogical University. The study revealed the relationship between the degree of stress resistance and the coping strategies used, and also identified the leading coping strategies of students of the Pedagogical University.



How to Cite

Забегалин, А., Kulsharipova, Z., Ayapbergenova , G. and Tapalova , .O. 2023. RELATIONSHIP OF COPING STRATEGIES AND STUDENTS’ RESISTANCE TO STRESS. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 74, 1 (Mar. 2023). DOI: