The significant factors that determine the effectiveness of the educational activities of students of higher education include academic procrastination and learning motivation. The type of procrastination that has been studied by many is academic procrastination. The phenomenon of academic procrastination is associated with various personality traits and formations. The article analyzes the views on the problem of procrastination, its features, manifestations of academic procrastination in the behavior of students, and also considers the problem of students' educational motivation, which is also given special attention in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The results of a study of the level of academic procrastination and learning motivation of students are presented. The sample consisted of 60 full-time students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, aged 18-22 years. The study used the Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students by L. Solomon and E. Rothblum, adapted by M.V. Zvereva and the methodology for diagnosing the educational motivation of students A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin, modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva. Statistically significant correlations were found between the factors of academic procrastination and students' learning motives. Knowledge about the features of the relationship between academic procrastination and students' learning motivation can be used to develop recommendations for working with students who tend to postpone important academic tasks.
university student
academic procrastination
student period
academic activity
educational motivation
How to Cite
Бурленова, С. and Сабирова, Р. 2022. S.O. Burlenova_R.Sh. Sabirova_article. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 71, 2 (Oct. 2022). DOI: