In the article are considered the issues of deviant behavior of teenagers underage in the context of globalization and developing modern society, which undoubtedly has a significant impact on the formation and formation of the personality of the younger generation. At the present stage, deviant behavior of the younger generation is described as a social deviation and violation of social norms. The authors presented the content of theoretical concepts and scientific views of prominent foreign and domestic scientists psychologists on the problem of deviant behavior of modern adolescents. The article describes the dynamics of individual and age characteristics of adolescents. The article considers the psychological basis of deviant and delinquent behavior of minors in the conditions of globalization of modern society. The article presents individual features of self-awareness of modern adolescents, describes interpersonal communication of adolescents with deviant behavior in modern society.
deviant behavior, modern society, teenagers, difficult children, minors, the younger generation.
How to Cite
Сахиева Ф.А., Исатаева Б.Б., Момбиева Г.А. 2021. MODERN SOCIETY AND ADOLESCENTS WITH DEVIANT BEHAVIOR. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 62, 1 (May 2021). DOI: