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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology


Published April 2024



Академия государственного управления при Президенте РК (филиал по Жамбылской области)

This article describes the practice of studying the improvement of the psychological health of the elderly, using modern psychological strategies. The article presents the material of a study conducted within the framework of advanced training courses organized for students of the "Silver University" – representatives of the older generation of the M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University, the H.A. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University and the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology. The training course, which is aimed at healing the subjects, was built on modern theories of transpersonal psychology, neuropsychology and existential psychology; developed at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Social Sciences of TarSU.

At the early stages of the study, the subjects were introduced to modern innovative technologies of practical psychology; learned how to use the method of reflection and mastered the skills of immersion in the inner world, feeling changes in the body, listening to intuition, manifestation of desires. The next formative stage concluded the development of the educational program "Psychology: secrets of health, keys to beauty", and was aimed at overcoming stereotypes of thinking and developing the flexibility of the psyche of the subjects, through psychological strategies focused on the transformation of limiting beliefs. During this period, such psychotechnics as affirmation, meditation, neurography, and rebirthing were actively used. Psycho-healing measures, which are an obligatory component of improving the psychological health of the course participants, were based on awareness, purity of thoughts and positive intentions. To consolidate the positive results obtained during the study, the subjects were required to follow the instructions – responsibility for their own health, and systematic performance of psychological exercises.

As a result of mastering knowledge about the structure of personality and understanding the concept of integrity, the consciousness of listeners expanded through self–knowledge, which contributed to transformation - an internal shift, a catalyst for perfection in general. Based on these examples, general trends towards recovery were established, and individual cases of improvement in the psychological health of the subjects were established. Methods of observation, questioning, and scaling were used to measure the results of the study. The experiments organized within the framework of the 80-hour course, which lasted 2 weeks, were completed for the researchers, but not for the subjects; for the students of the "Silver University", undoubtedly, this is only the beginning of painstaking work focused on results.

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How to Cite

Оспанбаева, М., Дүйсенова, Ж., Джонисова, Г. and Дәуренбекова, Ә. 2024. RESEARCH ON IMPROVING PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH, WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE «SILVER UNIVERSITY» PROJECT . Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 78, 1 (Apr. 2024). DOI: