Numerous studies suggest that a better understanding of suicidal aspects will help improve preventive measures and thus reduce suicide overall. The purpose of the study is to investigate a complex of factors influencing the mental state and suicidal activity of the population. Current suicidal risk factors include the presence of mental and behavioral disorders, as well as personal characteristics that predispose to suicidal activity and potentiate the implementation of suicidal actions. Conclusion: The study noted a close relationship between factors (biological, social and clinical) that predispose or potentiate suicidal behavior of an individual. In this regard, the functioning of the multi-channel communication of the Helpline makes it possible for a larger number of residents not only of the city of Almaty, but also of the entire country, including those from remote areas suffering from the effects of stressful situations, who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, to receive qualified round-the-clock free anonymous help in early stages of development of stressful conditions and suicidal tendencies.
How to Cite
А.Ж. Құдайбергенова, М.С. Ибашова, Д.Д. Дуйсенбеков, Э.К. Қалымбетова and Н.М. Садықова 2024. THE ROLE OF THE HELPLINE IN SUICIDE PREVENTION. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 78, 1 (Mar. 2024). DOI: