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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology


Published March 2023



Abai University

Ulzharkyn Abdigapbarova

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of the science department of Abai KazNPU


Nadezhda Zhiyenbayeva

doctor of psychological sciences, professor, professor-researcher of the department of special pedagogy of Abai KazNPU


Sayu Baisultanova

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Senior Researcher, of Abai KazNPU,


The article considers the essence of the process paradigm of participatory management, which consists in the active involvement of scientific and pedagogical staff in decision-making processes, as well as problem solving within a scientific and educational institution. The process paradigm of participatory management has a built logically justified structure. The subjects of the process paradigm of participatory management are undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers, the Department of Science, the University Board. The concept of the process paradigm of participatory management recognizes that all actors involved in the scientific and educational process have valuable knowledge, ideas and practical experience that can contribute to the success of the organization. The participatory process paradigm emphasizes the importance of creating a collaborative and inclusive work environment where all staff feel empowered to contribute their ideas and perspectives. This process encourages open channels of communication, shared responsibility and mutual respect between management and academic and teaching staff.

The purpose of the scientific study was to study the trends, stages, blocks and indicators of the implementation of the process paradigm of participatory management, which will scientifically substantiate the concept of developing the scientific and innovative potential of the teaching and managerial staff of a scientific and educational institution. Involving all employees of the research and educational institution in the decision-making process will increase and engage their creativity, motivation and commitment, which leads to increased job satisfaction, productivity and overall organizational effectiveness and will minimize the level of subjectivity and bring our research closer to scientific validity.

The study was carried out within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan IRN AR14872123 "Participatory management of the development of scientific and innovative potential of the faculty of a research university."

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How to Cite

Абдигапбарова , У., Жиенбаева , Н. and Байсултанова, С. 2023. PROCESS PARADIGM OF PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 74, 1 (Mar. 2023). DOI: