Psychological counseling is a relatively new professional area of psychological practice, which is a type of psychological assistance. This area is associated with psychotherapy and is aimed at a clinically healthy individual who, for some psychological reasons, cannot independently overcome everyday difficulties and crises of development (relationships and activities). The main task of counseling lies in helping individuals through dialogue in finding a way out of the current problematic circumstances over which they are unable to win without outside help, understanding and changing ineffective behavioral patterns for making fateful decisions, resolving current life difficulties, achieving goals, transformation values and meanings of life for the sake of development and overcoming difficulties. According to the target area, the tasks of psychological counseling are divided into corrective and therapeutic effects, and tasks related to the development of the client as a person, partner, student, or professional. The purpose of the study is to investigate dialogue in psychotherapeutic relations in psychological counseling during stress. The theoretical method of the research is the theoretical investigation of the dialogue in psychotherapeutic relations in psychological counseling. The penetration of the concept of "dialogue" into counseling psychology is naturally connected with the fact that communication between the client and the consultant began to be thought of as a dialogue, as a result of which new and integrative appeared approaches in psychological counseling. M.R. Arpentieva and F.E. Vasilyuk created metasystems of counseling and psychotherapy that analyze their processes and results as dialogical. However, steps towards a metasystem analysis of counseling as a practice of dialogue are made in many works, including works devoted to the analysis of the similarities and differences between psychotherapy and counseling, the analysis of the problems of limitations and mistakes of the counselor and the therapist, ethical, and other principles and norms of helping interaction.
Dialogue in psychotherapeutic relations in counseling psychology during stress
Published June 2023
How to Cite
Kassymova, G., Kurmanbai , D. , Duisenbayeva , S., Arpentieva , M. and Alimkul А. 2023. Dialogue in psychotherapeutic relations in counseling psychology during stress. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 75, 2 (Jun. 2023). DOI: