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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology


Published March 2023



КазНПУ им.Абая
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of General and Applied Psychology



PhD, M. Auyezov South Kazakhstan University, Shymkent city

3 Head of the Institute, "Sagadat Nurmagambetov Military Institute of Land Forces" Colonel, Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ibatulin B.Sh

Head of the Institute, "Sagadat Nurmagambetov Military Institute of Land Forces" Colonel, Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan



     At present, radical social transformations require a psychologically new character of the human structure. This situation is based on the intelligence of children. The content of the study is based on the main conclusions of modern psychological science, the features of the intellectual development of children.

     The purpose of the study: experimental study of the features of the intellectual development of children in the structure of personality. Determine the statistical relationship between intelligence indicators

      Research methods and techniques

  1. Test with gradual complication by J. Raven, which determines the logic of thinking in children.
  2. Method "Patch the rug" by J. Raven in a modified form.
  3. The "Classification" method for determining the features of generalization based on the analysis of functional relationships in the real world in children of primary school age.
  4. Methods of mathematical and statistical processing of the obtained data - Pearson's tetrachorica correlation coefficient.

     In our experiment, a comparative analysis of the features of the intellectual development of children in grades I and III was carried out. The mental development of children in Kazakh and Russian schools was also studied.

      Intellectual development was investigated, considering the relationship between the main components of the personality structure as intellectual development


- children who have shown very low and low results classify distributions based on external forms or functional relationships, and not on important features.

- at the intermediate level, the child can complete the tasks, his initial decision is not based on an important feature, but after the help of the experimenter, they correctly complete the task.

- high and very high classification thinking is characterized by easy and fast principles of classifying cards in groups. They are based when performing tasks on their main functions and on important signs.

- the difficulties of elementary school children in completing tasks are directly related to the absence of the main external signs of the features of dividing cards. This task is correctly solved with the help of adults.

- mistakes of children of the first grade are characterized by the complexity of the transition from one type of classification to another, i.e., from the principle of generalization to the principle of functional communication.

      The differentiation of attention and perception is not sufficiently developed in terms of logical thinking. This led to difficulties in completing tasks.

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How to Cite

Лимашева, Л., Бердибаева , С., Сахиева, Ф. and Ибатуллин, Б. 2023. STUDYING THE FEATURES OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN MODERN SOCIETY. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 74, 1 (Mar. 2023). DOI: