Main criteria for publishing articles
- Periodicity of the journal - 4 times a year. In one issue of the journal, the author can publish no more than two articles, including co-authorship.
- Articles are accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English languages that have not been previously published in print and / or electronic form.
- All scientific articles are subject to mandatory blind peer review by independent reviewers-scientists or specialists who have the closest scientific specialization to the topic of the article, who are not members of the editorial board. Based on the results of the review, the article can be sent to the author for revision.
- The date of receipt of the article is the date of receipt by the editorial board of its final version.
- The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes to the text that do not distort the meaning of the article. Structure of the scientific article:
- Title of the article
- Full name of the author (s)
- Abstract in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English) no more than 300 words.
- Keywords in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English), consisting of words/phrases.
- Full text of the article:
In the personal data of the author (s), an asterisk (*) marks the first or corresponding author.
The name of the author (s) is indexed with the place of work of each.
I.Ilyasov 1, Nagibina N. L2, Namazbaeva Zh.I. 3
1 M. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2International Institute of differential psychology
3KazNPU named after Abay
Information about the author:
Names, academic degree, title (if available), position, affiliation (organization name), country name, addresses of all authors of publications, including the main author in each article, E-mail, ORCID.
Akhtaeva Nadia – doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Ахтаева Надия Селихановна – доктор психологических наук, профессор Казахского Национального Университета имени аль-Фараби,
Ахтаева Надия Селихановна – психология ғылымдарының докторы,, профессор .
Akhmetova F.S. Musaeva A.R. Сomparative analysis of mechanisms stimulating the formation of subject
Ахметова Ф. С. Мусаева А.Р. Сравнительный анализ механизмов, стимулирующих становление субъектности
Ахметова Ф. С. Мусаева А.Р. Субъективтіліктің қалыптасуын ынталандыратын механизмдердің салыстырмалы талдауы