The problem of developing a methodological arsenal of research and diagnosis of the personality is one of the actual problems of psychological science. However, at the present stage there is no single basis in understanding the person and its integrity. In this regard, concept of al-Farabiabout a person as a microcosm in which the entire macrocosm is representedis the significant and actual problem in the modern world. Based on this doctrine, we propose a methodology for research, diagnosis and introspection of the personality, the structure and levels of analysis of which imply integrity and consistency, rather than “grabbing” the individual sides that make up the person’s inner world.
The technique of introspection and diagnosis of the personality involves the integration of values and integrity, as well as the systemic coherence of all spheres of human life, determined by the intimate personalities of the subject’s inner world, depending on which, meaning formation and overcoming difficult life situations are stimulated.
This technique is not only the implementation of an integrative approach, but also has a significant therapeutic effect.