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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology


Published December 2024



Университет Туран

The research is dedicated to the study of psychological characteristics of elderly people exposed to suicidal behavior. The study examined the differences between groups of elderly people with complaints of suicidal thoughts and those without them.

The aim of the study was to identify individual psychological characteristics, the degree of severity of depressive symptoms and quality of life indicators in people over 60 years of age who complain of suicidal thoughts. The relevance of the study lies in determining the characteristics inherent in elderly people at risk of suicide, necessary for providing them with effective social and psychological assistance.

While conducting the research, we used questionnaires such as Mini-Mult, Geriatric Depression Scale, Beck Hopelessness Scale and The Manheim questionaire. The study was conducted at the KumisKhasyr Active Longevity Center.

During the study, we obtained results confirming that elderly people prone to suicidal behavior have more pronounced indicators of experiencing feelings of depression and hopelessness. In the group of respondents who did not have complaints of suicidal thoughts, the indicators on the financial security scale and quality of life were higher, which confirms the importance of social factors for the prevention of suicidal behavior in old age. Elderly people with suicidal thoughts have more developed personality traits such as hypochondria, depression, hysteria, schizoidness and hypomania. It was also found that in old age, hopelessness is a more significant predictor of suicidal behavior than depression.

The purpose of the research is to identify the factors correlated to suicidal behavior in old age, and the practical significance of the results of the work is the possibility of providing better assistance to elderly people in a suicidal crisis, taking into consideration the results, that were previously obtained

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How to Cite

Низамудин, М., Гарбер, А., Скляр, С. and Хон, Н. 2024. PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELDERLY PEOPLE EXPOSED TO SUICIDE. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 81, 4 (Dec. 2024), 40–47. DOI: