The purpose of the study was to study the specifics of the organization of preventive work to
prevent suicidal behavior of adolescents.
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young people of school age, and suicidal thoughts
are literally defined as thoughts of ending life. This is much more common than we can imagine. Such
thoughts often arise in adolescents because of depression or because of the desire to avoid a situation
in the family or school that is impossible to cope with, and this is the avoidance of punishment and
shame, humiliation and despair, disappointment and loss, rejection and loss of self-esteem. Suicidal
thoughts can quickly turn into a suicide attempt, so suicidal teenagers need help before they can start
planning for real life. Suicide prevention among young people is most effective when they are detected
at an early stage and when a teenager at risk receives timely psychological help.
Prophylactic and psycho-corrective measures to prevent suicidal behavior in adolescents
Published June 2023
How to Cite
Алибаева, Р. and Ormanova Zaure, Boleev Talant,, .O.Z.B. 2023. Prophylactic and psycho-corrective measures to prevent suicidal behavior in adolescents. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Psychology. 75, 2 (Jun. 2023). DOI: