Mathematical inductive thinking is an important component of the development of mental abilities of Primary School students. This allows them to generalize and systematize the knowledge gained at school and in life.
In this article, we will consider the features of the development of mathematical inductive thinking in primary school students and figure out what methods and techniques help them in this process. Using foreign research and best practices, the mathematical inductive thinking abilities of Primary School students are studied. To improve the thinking abilities of Primary School students, the development of methods for studying inductive thinking in our country is relevant. Our goal is to standardize the test for determining inductive thinking in primary school students of schools in Kazakhstan. Based on the purpose of our research work, we used the test "logical patterns" by M. Lippman and the method "arithmetic tasks" by A. Z. Zak to determine the level of mathematical inductive thinking of elementary school students. The test was taken from 32 students from general education schools. The age of students is 8-9 years, students of the 3rd grade. During the implementation of the methodology, the ability to analyze, generalize, and compare was studied.